Colección: Sacacorchos & abridores

Abrir botellas es más fácil con los mejores abrebotellas y sacacorchos de Vacu Vin. Ya sea que necesites un modelo compacto para el día a día o uno elegante para impresionar a tus invitados, tenemos lo que buscas. Desde sacacorchos clásicos hasta abridores eléctricos, Vacu Vin ofrece la herramienta perfecta para cada ocasión.
Vacu Vin Openers
11 resultados
  1. Abridor de botellas

  2. Abridor de champán

  3. Abridor de champán compacto

  4. Sacacorchos de láminas

  5. Sacacorchos dos tiempos

  6. Sacacorchos eléctrico

  7. Descapsulador

  8. Sacacorchos de palanca

  9. Sacacorchos giratorio

  10. Sacacorchos camarero

  11. Sacacorchos de alas


Open Every Bottle with Ease – Vacu Vin Corkscrews & Openers

Opening a bottle should be simple and effortless. Whether you enjoy the tradition of a classic corkscrew, the ease of a modern opener, or the precision of a champagne opener, Vacu Vin offers a wide range of high-quality tools designed to make uncorking smooth and hassle-free.

From winged corkscrews and waiter’s openers to lever-style cork removers, electric wine openers, and champagne openers, our collection ensures you always have the right tool for every bottle.

How to Use Your Opener for Effortless Uncorking

🍷 Using a Manual Wine Corkscrew

1️⃣ Remove the foil with a wine foil cutter.

2️⃣ Select your corkscrew or wine bottle opener:

Winged corkscrew – Twist into the cork, press levers down, and lift.

Waiter’s corkscrew – Insert, twist, and use the two-step hinge for smooth removal.

Lever-style wine opener – Clamp, pull down, and lift for easy uncorking.

Cork puller – Slide prongs beside the cork, twist, and pull gently.

3️⃣ Pour and enjoy!

🍾 Using a Champagne Opener

1️⃣ Hold the bottle at a 45-degree angle.

2️⃣ Secure the champagne opener around the cork.

3️⃣ Twist gently for a smooth, controlled release.

🍺 Using a Bottle Opener

1️⃣ Position the bottle opener over the cap.

2️⃣ Lift slightly for a quick and easy opening.